Job Description:
Collaborates with school teams in the area of behavior.
Job Qualifications: Arizona Elementary Teacher Certification Required. Arizona Special Education Certification preferred. Appropriate endorsements may be required depending on area of instruction. SEI endorsement preferred.
Duties & Responsibilities: Collaborates with school teams in the area of behavior; Assists with development, data collection, and evaluation of students requiring behavioral support plans and FBAs; Collaborates with Extended Resource behavor program staff; Assists school teams with the transition, placement, and planning of effective programming for move-in students or students requiring extended resource behavior program placement; Serves as case manager for special education students placed outside the Kyrene School District in either special day programs or residential programs; Provides in-service trainings to staff in the area of behavior.
Complete Job Description: Behavior Intervention Teacher
Licensing/Certification Requirements: Valid IVP Level One AZ Fingerprint Clearance Card is required.
Employment Information: 2025-26 school year; Hours vary up to 40 hours per week 194 work days (216 day teacher calendar)
Start Date: July 9, 2025 (New Teachers)